Does CBD Oil Show Up on Drug Tests?

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Published on Aug 22nd, 2018

Over the years, cannabidiol oil (more commonly known as CBD oil) has gained popularity because of myriad medical benefits. If you are planning to include CBD oil in your diet, but are also a working professional, you might be concerned whether or not it will show up on a drug test.

CBD Oil and Drug Tests

More people are opening up to holistic healthcare, raising the question: will CBD oil show up on a drug test?

Marijuana drug tests trace tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. THC is a compound which binds with cannabinoid brain receptors, leading to psychoactive sensations of being “high”.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is a separate chemical altogether. This substance is consumed in controlled amounts and does not cause any psychoactive feelings like THC.

In terms of its traceability in drug tests, CBD will not show up in drug test results. Standard drug tests are designed to trace the THC metabolite and not CBD. Drug tests calibrated to screen for THC will, in most cases, yield negative results if the donor has strictly used CBD. Certain CBD oil products contain traces of THC that may lead to positive THC results, but this is inclusive.

Types of Marijuana Drug Tests

Urine, saliva, and hair drug tests all have the ability to screen for THC metabolites. Certain assays are more sensitive than others, though, which means small amounts of THC in CBD products might be traceable.

What is CBD Oil?

As one of the main ingredients of hemp or CBD oil, cannabidiol is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is one of 80 chemical known naturally-occurring cannabinoids.

CBD has a different effect than the cannabinoids responsible for getting people “high” from smoking or ingesting marijuana. CBD has analgesic, antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial for the management of many physiological disorders.

Side Effects of CBD Oil

Cannabinoid receptors can be found in almost every organ of the body. When these receptors are accessed via organic CBD oils, the user experiences positive side effects:

  • Improved memory
  • Larger appetite
  • Happier mood
  • Better motor and reflex control
  • Ability to reproduce
  • Stronger immunity
  • Healthy bone development
  • Fewer sleep disturbances
  • Management of pain symptoms

How does CBD work in the human body?
CBD interacts with the body by targeting millions of receptors in organs and tissues, namely throughout the brain and central nervous system. CBD is predominantly found in plants, but surprisingly to some, the human body naturally manufactures endocannabinoids, which can regulate balance, stress, and immunity.

What's the Difference Between CBD and THC?

CBD does not interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors, which is why CBD oil does not have a psychoactive effect. What it does is increase the cannabinoids naturally produced by the body by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for breaking down endocannabinoids.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

It takes approximately 5-30 minutes before the effects of CBD are noticed. Side effects usually last 3-4 hours before CBD blood concentration drops.

If you are a medical CBD user awaiting a drug test, experts suggest the substance remains in the system for 3-5 days. Factors such as age, weight, and metabolism may alter detection times.

8 benefits of using CBD Oil

Because of the medical properties of CBD, it cannot be denied that it has a lot of benefits. Below is the list of uses of CBD, whether in oil or in other forms:

1. It can act a natural pain reliever or anti-inflammatory substance.

Because CBD occurs naturally in the body and comes from plants, it provides a natural way to control pain. Some researchers even suggest that given the non-psychoactive property of CBD, it can be used as a reliable treatment for chronic pain or discomfort.

2. CBD can help you quit smoking.

In 2013, a study published in the journal Addictive Behavior revealed that smokers who were asked to use CBD-laced inhalers smoked fewer cigarettes than the control group. Meanwhile, other studies have also found out that CBD can help people who are addicted to opioids.

While these studies should still be backed up by additional research, they all suggest that CBD is a promising substance especially in controlling the symptoms of withdrawal from substance use.

3. CBD can help fight the effects of cancer.

In a review sourced from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD was found out to have the ability to block cancer cells from spreading to different parts of the body. It was also indicated that CBD could possibly control the growth of cancer cells. Overall, CBD is considered to be an effective agent that helps fight cancer.

4. CBD can calm people with anxiety disorders.

Cannabis should be avoided by people with chronic anxiety or those suffering from other mental conditions as it causes paranoia. In some researches, however, CBD was said to have a calming effect that proves to be vital for people with different anxiety disorders. Conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder could be controlled or reduced by the substance.

5. CBD can reduce inflammation in the pancreas.

Recent studies have indicated the ability of CBD to ease inflammation in the pancreas, which is beneficial for people who have Type 1 diabetes. The pancreas is one of the organs where CBD receptors are heavily clustered, and this makes the substance a promising natural treatment for Type 1 diabetes. CBD is also said to have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and also improves blood circulation.

6. CBD can help treat acne

CBD is also considered a promising cure for acne. Acne is commonly caused by the inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Recent studies show that CBD helps lower sebum production that often results to acne. CBD has a huge potential to be a treatment for acne especially because of its proven anti-inflammatory properties. The beauty industry has also been exploring its potential as an active ingredient in skincare products.

7. CBD can slow or prevent progression of Alzheimer’s.

One of the earliest and most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is the inability of the patient to recognize people they know. There is scientific evidence that considers CBD an effective substance that prevents the early symptoms of the disease.

8. CBD can alleviate heart disease.

One of the best medical benefits of CBD oil is that it can help in relaxing blood vessels, resulting in increased blood circulation and lower blood pressure. People suffering from heart diseases could find a natural remedy for their illness through CBD oil.

Risks of using CBD Oil

Although CBD oil has medical benefits, using it may also cause adverse side effects on individuals. Here are the most common risks of CBD oil use:

1. CBD can cause digestive issues.

Some people who use CBD oil have observed that taking it causes the softening of their stool. Also, stomach issues have also been frequent. Some also experience diarrhea and cramps when they take CBD.

People who have a sensitive digestive system should consider other treatments to prevent issues like those aforementioned.

2. CBD may cause hallucinations in some individuals.

It should be noted that although the presence of THC in CBD is negligible given that the amount is very minimal, sensitive individuals could still experience anxiety and hallucinations upon taking CBD oil. It should be put into consideration that different CBD oil products may contain varying amounts and levels of THC.

3. CBD may affect blood clotting ability.

CBD oil may have a negative impact on how blood platelets and anticoagulants work in the body. People who already have prior blood clotting issues should definitely consult their doctors before taking CBD oil.

Medical CBD Oil

Some CBD oil manufacturer statements indicate consumption of 1,000 to 2,000mg of CBD oil one week before a drug test may lead to a positive THC result. However, through intensive verification like Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, positive results can be verified as medically sound.


There are many reported medical benefits of CBD oil pending further long-term studies to illustrate significant changes in health.

CBD is classified as a controlled substance in many parts of the world, and falls under the Schedule I list of banned substances by the DEA. Canada places it under the list of Schedule II drugs.

Users of CBD oil seeking treatment for health conditions should consult with a medical professional prior to using the substance to fully understand the pros and cons of CBD.

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